Age-Friendly Benches
November 26, 2019
Tags: Age-Friendly, Age-Strong
This program aims to improve public spaces and address the lack of benches in Boston.
This program aims to improve public spaces and address the lack of benches in Boston.
Learn about age-friendly and dementia-friendly businesses, and how to certify your company.
The George B. Henderson Foundation generously awarded Roslindale Village Main Street a $30,000 grant for the installation of a window within the Substation's monumental door opening.
Greater Ashmont Main Street and Mandorla Music Series are beginning their Dot Jazz Series this week, a full season consisting of 5 jazz shows from September 2018 to May 2019.
Thanks to you, we've reached $9,165 in donations! Contribute by June 30th and your name will be entered into a raffle for a Rozzie Bag of Goodness!